In view of the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, EURO 2021 will be held as a hybrid conference with some sessions taking place on site in Athens, and some sessions that will be held online. All on-site sessions will follow strict health protocols to allow for safe participation and will also be available to remote participants as live streams. With this format, we hope that we can address both the security concerns and the wishes of many to participate in a physical conference, providing a conference experience that comes as close as possible to that of previous years. A preview of the online platform for virtual sessions will soon be available on the conference website.
At the same time, responding to many authors requests expressing difficulties in meeting the current deadlines and in order to give colleagues more time to submit their work under conditions of better information about pandemic developments, we are pleased to announce the extension of the abstract submission deadline until Sunday March 28, 2021.
The Program Committee, chaired by Rudolf Vetschera, and the Organizing Committee, co-chaired by Nikolaos Matsatsinis and John Psarras, are preparing a high-quality scientific program and an exciting social program for the Conference.
Invited and contributed papers will be organized in parallel sessions. In general, sessions will be a part of the Conference streams, and streams are grouped in different areas. The list of areas is available on the conference webpage, streams are listed in the registration system (
Researchers who wish to contribute a paper within an invited session should contact the session organizers or by submitting the article to a specific session directly using the session code. Abstracts can also be submitted as contributed abstracts to an area without reference to a session. We plan for about 10-12 on-site parallel sessions, which should focus on topics of more general interest, the majority of sessions will be online.
Abstract submission system is available online, via the Conference web page ( It is noted that the maximum number of participants who will be able to participate in person at the conference will be determined by the restrictions of the health protocols that will apply then. This number will be announced after the submission of articles and the declaration of the intention of the participants to participate.
Abstracts must be written in English and contain no more than 1,500 characters in plain text format (no formulas are allowed).
Abstract submission deadline
Notification of abstract acceptance until
Authors early bird registration deadline
Authors late registration deadline
Delegate registration deadline
We remind you that the submission of the abstract MUST be done by the person who will present the paper and will be shown as first author and who must register for the conference by May 9, 2021. No change to the first speaker will be allowed later.
For detailed information about EURO 2021, please, visit the Conference webpage.
For any further information:
We look forward to welcoming you to our very exciting conference in Athens!
Rudolf Vetschera, Nikolaos Matsatsinis, John Psarras